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Change Is Here …

Our services are a vital component of a company’s overall communications strategy. The convergence of communications with technology are becoming more common and more relevant, as people grow accustomed to digital interactions via the web and visual communications. By building an engaging experience consumers are compelled to take action.

Rigstar Digital Media
Digital Signage

Digital Signage

  • Deliver tailored messages
  • Increased brand and product loyalty
  • Control content remotely
  • Increase revenue and reduce costs
  • Sell ad space to vendors, turning your business signage into a profit center

Web Design & Development

Our designers and development team elevate your online presence. Your website is the catalyst for customer engagement. The importance of an effective online presence is critical for the companies to thrive. We have the team, tools and process to deliver your company a robust website customized to your needs.

Business Strategy + Branding

Business Strategy + Branding

It is an important business practice for companies to narrow their focus on market segments. By starting with a narrow focus – everything becomes easier. Your org chart are aligned more clearly, costs are defined and business units benefit from the synergy of a narrow focus.

Digital Signage Revolution

  • 70% of Americans report seeing a digital display in the past week
  • 47% remember seeing a specifi ad or message
  • 80% of shoppers report entering a store due to digital signage

Digital Signage Software

We deploy a digital signage system that’s easy, flexible and scalable enough to send updates from remote locations to your display in “real time”.

Dynamic Content

All eyes on the screen – Designing digital signage requires a different approach from most mediums. Our digital team designs and produces messages driving people to action. Motion graphics, copy, images, video and live data feeds work together to deliver an impactful message.

Digital Signage Components

We provide the components needed to install your digital signage sytem:

  • digital displays
  • media player (unless the display has an integrated player)
  • digital signage content management system (CMS)
  • dynamic content
  • certified system installers

Educate, Inform, Entertain

RigStar Media produces compelling content to help your organization upgrade sales, marketing and communication strategies. Our easy-to-use digital signage solutions give you complete control. No technical or design skills needed. We have full digital signage solutions for in-store, lobbies, campus, education, healthcare, way finding and manufacturing.

Rigstar Digital Media Logo

Retail Industry

Retail Industry

Sports News

Menu Board

This Month’s Spotlight: Healthcare Offices

Educate your patients while they wait. Digital Signage is a series of display screens placed throughout your healthcare office to provide support to your staff, create an engaging experience for your patients, enhance wellness initiatives and create a safer and more productive work enviroment.

Healthcare Waiting Queue

How Does Digital Signage Benefit Patients?

  • Speeds up patient intake
  • Decrease perceived patient wait times
  • Eases patient anxiety
  • Learn more about new physician procedures/products


Web Experience

Whether you’re just beginning or advancing your business, RigStar Media Digital can grow your online presence. Our custom web designs and development delivers results. Our tiered pricing fits the budget of small to medium company budgets.

Search Optimization

Our tools attract search engines by building your site with enhancements. To optimize your website our research:

  • identifies valuable keyword rankings
  • drive clicks to your SEO and AdWord Campaign
  • improve organic rankings
  • online competition research



Get your products or service ready for business online. A lot of focus and detail are needed to compete successfully online. We can design and manage your turnkey-solution platform (i.e Shopify, Amazon).

Social Media Channels

Your business needs consistent activity to maximize your relationship with customers on social media channels. Creative thinking, interesting-timely content and analytics are key components. We have a structured approach for your social media strategy to drive awareness, engagement, converstions and testimonials.

Capability Statement

RigStar Media is certified to provide visual communication services to government agencies in the state of Florida and abroad. We encourage government purchasing agents and private contractors to review our capabilities.

Rigstar Digital Media Services

*Please note many of our larger clients request anonymity and we do not showcase their work.*

Foundation Events


Trip Advisor | Affiliate

Video Collection

Online Caterer



We Do Great Work Together …

RigStar Digital Media partnership agreements allow our clients to receive the best in product offerings, pricings -and stay on the cusp of innovation.

Get Started

Connect. Communicate. Engage.

Rigstar Digital Media

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405 N. Rosemary Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Monday - Friday

8am - 5pm


9am - 1pm


Noon - 5pm